Sunday, July 18, 2010


Modern day food habits have resulted in Obesity even among kids. Obese children are more prone to heart problems in later stages of life. Childhood obesity is a major concern for parents as kids tend to have more liking for fast food. Weight management has become a huge industry in itself with wide variety of weight loss programs and weight loss products such as fat burners and fat burning supplements. However the efficacy of using such products or undergoing such programs is not so convincing. Liposuction and cosmetic surgeries have become normal to get that slim look. Quick weight loss by such methods either don’t last long or cause other problems. So how to lose weight naturally and gradually?
The weight loss tips we discuss here are easy to follow and can be made part of our daily routine for a healthy weight loss. So, wish you the figure that you crave for with these tips.
1. Drink a glass of water half an hour before your meals or half an hour after meals.
2. Eat more green leafy vegetables and salads.
3. Eat fresh fruits, especially those with low calories and also seasonal fruits.
4. Eat raw vegetables or boiled vegetables.
5. Have variety in the food you eat as often as possible.
6. Eat slowly and chew your food to mix it with saliva. Remember digestion starts at your mouth.
7. You may eat four to five times a day in less quantities as required.
8. Remember that body weight increases when the input is more than output. So eat only what your body needs.
9. If you ate more then burn the extra calories by workouts.
10. Avoid deep fried food and junk food.
11. Avoid oil and try to use very less for cooking.
12. Avoid non-vegetarian food.
13. Avoid alcohol, if you cannot avoid then be in your limits.
14. Avoid processed foods and eat freshly cooked food as far as possible.
15. Don’t eat sweets, chocolates, etc as they put on more weight in your body.
16. Don’t drink water during meals or immediately after meals.
17. When you are not hungry don’t eat something just because you like it.
18. Don’t miss your meals. You can only loose weight by eating right.
19. Don’t leave your stomach empty for long periods by irregular eating habits.
20. Eat a balanced diet depending upon your lifestyle.

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