Foradian Technologies which is an Indian Software development company has come up with interim solution for using new rupee symbol in our computer. This is an interim solution in the sense that as New rupee symbol has no separate key in computer keyboard, a key which is sparingly used could be mapped for the Rupee symbol.
The Grave acent symbol (`) – the key just above “tab” button in your keyboard has been mapped for Rupee symbol in this interim solution.
Check here to Download the Font for new Rupee symbol released by Foradian Technologies
To install new Rupee font in your computer save the downloaded true type font file in to C:\Windows\fonts (Please note that C: is the default directory for Windows Opertating System Installation. If you have installed OS in some other directory, D: or E:, accordingly change the directory). You can also install the font file through Control Panel (control panel–>Appearance and Personalization–>Fonts)
After that open the word processor and go to insert symbol. There give auto correct option for grave ascent symbol.
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