Thursday, September 2, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Things to look for while buying a property
1. How is the reputation of the promoter/builder?
2. Examine the number of buildings/project that the builder has completed in the past
3. How is the quality of the construction in respect of buildings completed by the builder/promoters?
4. Adequacy of the technical staff employed with the builder
5. How are his past dealings with the customers?
2. Is the title certificate from a reputed Solicitor/Advocate attached to the agreement?
3. Whether all information regarding the encumbrances is brought out clearly or is there vague reference to the encumbrances?
4. Is the extract of property register card or other revenue record of the land/plot on which the flats are going to be constructed attached to the agreement for sale?
Inspection of Plans/Drawing
1. Has the building got the approval of plans/drawing from the Municipal Authorities/Local Authority?
2. Has the builder shown to the flat purchaser the approved plans/drawing to the flat purchase?
3. Has the builder shown to the flat purchaser the copy of Commencement Certificate (C.C) and Intimation of Disapproval (I.O.D)?
Area and number of flats
1. Is the serial number of flat, floor at which it is located, name of building/wing distinctly indicated in the body of agreement?
2. Is the carpet area/built-up area of flat distinctly indicated in the body of agreement?
3. Is the dimensioned floor plan making the subject flat annexed to the agreement?
1. Has the builder annexed with agreement a schedule of amenities/specifications (type of construction, flooring, doors, windows, sanitary and water supply, electrical fittings)?
2. Is the sale agreement in accordance with the conditions laid down by the urban land (Ceilings and Regulations) Authorities?
Nature, extent and description of common areas and facilities etc.
1. Does the agreement for sale describe distinctly the common areas and facilities (such as entrance hall, foyer of building, compound wall etc.) and limited common areas and facilities (landing in front of staircase etc?)Percentage /interest of flat purchaser in common areas and limited common areas/facilities?
1. Is the date by which possession of the flat is to be given specified in the agreement for sale?
2. Is there provision in the agreement for refund of the amounts due by the builder along with simple interest at the rate of 9 per cent per annum from the date of receipt by builder till the date of refund in the event of failure of the builder to give possession of the flat by stipulated date or mutually agreed extended date?
Mode of payment
1. Is the mode of payment of instalments distinctly mentioned in the agreement for sale?
Permission under Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act,1976
1. Has the builder obtained permission of the competent authority under Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act, 1976 for developing the land/plot on which proposed building is to be constructed?
2. Is the sale agreement in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Urban Land ceiling and Regulation authorities?
1. Has the builder mentioned in the agreement the amount payable by flat purchaser on taking possession in respect of legal charges, share money, application entrance fee of society and charges for formation and registration of the society and proportionate share of taxes and other charges?
Stamp duty and registration
1. Is the flat purchaser aware about the quantum of stamp duty payable by him at the time of execution of agreement?
2. Is the flat purchaser aware that the registration of agreement in respect of flat purchased from the builder is compulsory?
3. Is the flat purchaser aware of the amount of registration charges payable by him?
4. Is the flat purchaser aware of the fact that the time limit for registration agreement for sale is 4 months from the date of its execution?
1. Whether fitting of form no 37-I under chapter XX-C of the Income Tax is to be above is in the affirmative ,is the flat purchaser informed about the procedure for filling form no:37-I?
2. Is the flat purchaser aware of the implication of filling form no 37-I?
Permissible FSI
1. The Floor Space Index (FSI) is an important parameter you should know about.F S I=Total built-up area of your complex/Total area of the plot on which it is to be built. If the permissible FSI is exceeded, you as a flat-owner run the risk of demolition of the construction.
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Sunday, July 25, 2010
Add new Rupee symbol to your computer

Foradian Technologies which is an Indian Software development company has come up with interim solution for using new rupee symbol in our computer. This is an interim solution in the sense that as New rupee symbol has no separate key in computer keyboard, a key which is sparingly used could be mapped for the Rupee symbol.
The Grave acent symbol (`) – the key just above “tab” button in your keyboard has been mapped for Rupee symbol in this interim solution.
Check here to Download the Font for new Rupee symbol released by Foradian Technologies
To install new Rupee font in your computer save the downloaded true type font file in to C:\Windows\fonts (Please note that C: is the default directory for Windows Opertating System Installation. If you have installed OS in some other directory, D: or E:, accordingly change the directory). You can also install the font file through Control Panel (control panel–>Appearance and Personalization–>Fonts)
After that open the word processor and go to insert symbol. There give auto correct option for grave ascent symbol.
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Friday, July 23, 2010
Beware of China Eggs - Manufacturing fake eggs

The artificial egg shell is very fragile and break easily but who cares!! Look so real

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Must Know Facts About Your Mobile
The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly …this number 112 can be dialed even while the keypad is locked. Try it out.
2) Locked the keys in the car? Your car has remote keys?
You would have experienced this situation many a times. Good reason to own a cell phone:
If you happen to lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are home, call someone on your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the other person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the phone on their end. Your car will unlock.Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you.Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other “remote” for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).Editor’s Note: *It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!”
3) Hidden Battery power
Imagine your cell battery is very low, You are expecting an important call and you don’t have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with reserve battery. To activate, press the keys *3370#Your cell will restart with this reserve power and the instrument will show 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time.
4) How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
Have you lost your mobile or is it stolen?
Check your Mobile phone’s serial number, key in the following digits on your phone:* # 0 6 #
A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. when your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.
You probably won’t get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can’t use/sell it either.
5) Be careful while using your mobile phone
When you try to call someone through mobile phone,don’t put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers. Because directly after dialling, the mobile phone would use it’s maximum signalling power, which is: 2 watts = 33dbi, Plz Be Careful, Message as received (Save your brain)
Please use left ear while using cell (mobile), because if you use the right one it will affect brain directly. This is a true fact.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Auto Rickshaw Complaints
I got this info from a friend. It will be nice if you can share with others.
You are in a hurry to catch the train. You pack all your stuff and frantically run out in the hope of catching an auto. You come out and see 5 autos standing at the corner. You thank God and ask them - "Majestic chaloge kya??” The Answer is "Rs 200 hoga!!”. "Kya?? It just cost Rs 100 till Majestic". "Bahut rush hai sir!!". You move on to the next auto, to try your luck and surprisingly, you have the same conversation "Bahut rush hai sir!!". Finally you give up and bargain the price to Rs 170 and hope you don't miss your train.
Sounds more than familiar??
You stand on the road and keep on asking the passing autos for a ride to your destination - if it's not your day, the autos will not even bother to stop; if you're a bit lucky they might actually slow down to hear your destination's name and think for a second (i always wonder if they are calculating their net profit) and then speed away. However if you are luckier, the auto guy might quote an exorbitant price and then speed away. But if it's your extremely lucky hour of the day, you might end up getting an auto which is ready to take you to the destination at meter price.In my six years of existence in Bengaluru, these experiences have been really instrumental in teaching me great virtues - Patience and Tolerance. But at what price??? exorbitant rates, extremely rude behavior and what not ......After years of feeling used, i set out to find the answer for this misery - was there no government system that could bring these auto guys to justice? As a citizen, how can i express my concern?
This search took me to the Koramangala RTO office (BDA complex) and to my surprise i found that there did exist a government system which i believe 99.99% of Bengaluru is unaware of !! the System.
Note the vehicle number (KA-XX-YY-ZZZZ) and email the details to Based on the prefix XX (for example KA-01), complaint will be sent to one of the ten RTO offices in Bangalore and adjacent taluk areas.Alternatively, one can also call these offices at the number given below based on the vehicle number prefix and directly lodge a complaint.Vehicle Prefix (KA-XX) Bangalore location Phone number
KA-01 Koramangala 080-25533525
KA-02 Rajajinagar 080-23324104
KA-03 Indiranagar 080-25254310
KA-04 Yeshwantpur 080-23376039
KA-05 Jayanagar 080-26630989
KA-41 Gyanabharthi 080-28602833
KA-50 Yelahanka 080-28561366
KA-51 Electronic City 080-25735522
KA-52 NeelaMangala 08234-285598
KA-53 KR Puram 080-25617951
Once the complaint is received at the corresponding office, a notice is issued to the address of the vehicle’s registered owner, requiring him/her to turn up at the RTO office within 7 working days. Every RTO has about 10 IMV’s (Inspector of Motor Vehicles) who seize the vehicles which don’t report to the RTO.The penalty levied from the auto-waalas is Rs.100 under section 200.
The various offences among others for which one can lodge a complaint
Refusal to come to destination (Any destination!!!)
Demanding excess fare
Using rough language
Cheat the public, for e.g. taking longer routes.
Faulty Meter
There is also a helpline number - 080-22353785 available Monday – Saturday from 10:00 am - 5:30 pm on which one can call to lodge complaints.The numbers speak for itselfI was shocked when I found that the Koramangala RTO office received only 5 complaints a month. With over 1,00,000 autos plying on Bangalore roads, shouldn’t it be like 5 complaints a minute?What’s wrong with the system?
Lack of Awareness among the Bangalore citizens
The system is inefficient in data gathering- emails or phone calls cannot be stored and processed properly, leading to ineffective use of these complaint data.
Converting these complaints into notices issued to vehicle owners is still a manual process
Limited government officials to handle
So, will our impatience always have to take a backseat? Can something be done to improve/compliment the system to make it more effective? Will we get a better platform to
raise our voices democratically?
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stress Management
All stress isn’t bad. Stress can initiate change, help us focus on the task at hand, and in some cases even save our lives. Yet, when stress builds up, it can result in the opposites— and cause us to spin our wheels, keep us from concentrating, and cause bodily injury and even loss of life.
The first tip in managing stress is to recognize your stressors. The next step is to put each of them in their place. The following stress management tips, based on some old and some new adages, can help you do just that!
Take a Deep Breath and Count to Ten—Taking a deep breath or two adds oxygen to your system, which almost instantly helps you relax. In addition, taking a moment to step back can help you maintain your composure, which in the long run, is what you need to work rationally through a stressful situation.
Start with “take a deep breath” and…
Count to ten (or more or less as the situation warrants!) Stand up and stretch. Remember relaxation is the opposite of stress. Stand up and smile. Try it! You’ll feel better! Take a short walk. If you’re at work, take a bathroom break or get a glass of water. Do something that changes your focus. When you come back to the problem, chances are it won’t seem nearly as insurmountable. In the book Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O’hara says, “I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.” Good advice! Stop and Smell the Roses—“Things happen” and sometimes “bad things happen to good people”. If we let them, stressful events can build up, wall us in, and eventually stop us from enjoying the good things in life. Take the time. Too often we put the pleasantries of life on the back burner, telling ourselves we don’t “have time” or can’t “make time” for them. However, actually, time is the only thing we do completely own. While we can’t “make” a day that’s longer than 24 hours, each of us starts the day with exactly that amount of time. Take a part of your time to recognize the good things in your life. Sleep on it. Every coin has two sides and every issue has both pros and cons. List them both then put the list away and take a second look tomorrow. Sometimes “sleeping on” a situation changes the minuses to pluses. Every cloud has a silver lining. After all, rain makes things grow! Ben Franklin found good in a bolt of lightning. Find the good in your stressful situation by listing the negative surges and determining what it will take to make them into positive charges! “A Man's Got to Know His Limitations—”Knowing yourself and your limits may be the most important way to manage stress effectively. Dare to say no. One more little thing may be the “straw that breaks the camel’s back”. It’s okay to say “No”, “I can’t”, or “Later”. Acquit yourself. Sometimes events really are out of control and you really are “Not Guilty”. Quit blaming yourself. Be pro-active in finding peace. Those who unsuccessfully use the crutches of drugs and/or alcohol to alleviate stress often find themselves in a twelve-step program like A.A. where one of the mainstays is the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.”
When you need help, get help. Even Atlas couldn’t bear the weight of the world on his shoulders forever. Whether you need help from kids or spouse in hauling groceries into the house, help from a colleague to solve a work-related problem, or professional help to find the causes of and effectively manage your stress, getting the help you need is in itself a major stress management tip! Other Tips Get a good night's rest. Eat healthily. Listen to your favorite music. Exercise, participate in a sport or engage in fun activity. Plan out your time and prioritize. Talk to a friend about your problems, don't hold it in. Get a massage. Take a nap. Take a warm bath. Read a book or watch TV.
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Effect of stress
That extra rush of adrenalin, released during acute stress gives us a needed burst of speed when we flee from danger or an extra surge of power when we decide to stand and fight. However, when we fail to release stress by coping with life’s situations, it builds up until we either explode or collapse.
The consequences of stress can cause specific disorders in both mind and body. In addition to raising levels of the stress hormones, adrenaline and corticosterone (lately much talked about as cortisol), a build up of stress can cause headaches, digestive problems, eating disorders, insomnia, fatigue, and lower our resistance to other illnesses like colds and flu.
When we are deluged by a sequence of stressful situations, our bodies don’t have time to adjust and our minds don’t have to make the decisions necessary to deal with stress in a healthy manner. This is episodic stress. Over time, unrelieved stress, like episodic stress, can result in increased heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure, which in turn put undue stress on bodily organs such as the heart and lungs. Eventually our body gives up the fight; unable to flee from our problems we develop more significant problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and other illnesses.
Emotionally, stress can near literally burn us out. Long-term stress becomes chronic stress. Stress becomes inconspicuous, hiding behind feelings of hopelessness, constant anxiety, depression, and in severe cases serious mental aberrations such as paranoia and delusions. Of course, the worst-case consequence of stress is suicide.
Just as each individual differs from the next in his or her responses, there is no set limit as to how much stress each of us can endure. Each of us seems to be endowed with our own stress “thermometer”. When the mercury rises or plummets, in order to stay healthy we need to have a planned strategy to manage stress. Knowing and using a few stress management tips can make all the difference in the consequences of stress.
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Stress Management
The symptoms of stress are our physical, emotional, and behavioral reactions to life’s situations.
The pounding of our hearts as the home team scores the winning point The feeling of frustration when the other team scores the winning point The boisterous hooray when we win and the angry curse when we lose Levels of stress are categorized as acute, episodic acute, and chronic. Stress symptoms are often indicative of our level of stress. Acute stress is the temporary type of stress we feel when we step back to the curb out of the path of an oncoming vehicle or when the home team wins (or loses). This type of stress is the most manageable. Our heart rates jump, blood pressures raise, tension headaches may ensue, we become momentarily angry, elated, boisterous, or resentful. We cry in joy, in relief, in frustration. The moment passes and we go on about or business.
Episodic acute stress occurs when life’s situations get the best of us, when Murphy’s Law seems to be the rule of the day. One example is when we believe we deserve a raise or promotion, but don’t act on our feelings. Another example is when life spins out of control with one disaster after another— an illness, a divorce, and loss of employment within a short time span. Symptoms like recurring headaches, indigestion, fatigue, and insomnia are vivid warning signs of episodic acute stress. We can avoid episodic acute stress by recognizing its warning signs and coping with stressful situations as they occur. Without attention, this level of stress can lead to chronic stress.
Chronic stress is that which literally wears us out, grinding us down until our bodies and minds react with serious long-term physical and/or mental disorders. Chronic stress occurs when situations become impossible to deal with, when there’s “no way out” and we give up trying to overcome adversity. Unfortunately, once stress becomes chronic, long ignored symptoms become invisible. Grinding teeth, tremors, confusion, forgetfulness, over-eating, and alcoholism are just some of the symptoms that appear to be habits that are as unbreakable as the situations that caused them.
Stress warning signs can help us gauge our level of stress. However, stress symptoms often overlap from one level to another. More importantly, many signs of stress can be caused by physical illness or mental disorders. Recognizing stress symptoms can help us keep stress from snowballing from acute to chronic, prompt us to seek medical help when we need it, and keep us from suffering the debilitating effects of stress
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Moles - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Most moles are harmless but in rare cases may become cancerous.
Moles normally develop in adults until about the age of 35. Depending on their location, moles may cause no discomfort and may even go unnoticed. Either that, or they may become a nuisance by causing discomfort upon rubbing against clothing and may getting in the way during shaving.
Causes of Moles: Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural color. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun, during the teen years, and during pregnancy.
Symptoms of Moles: Moles can develop virtually anywhere on your body, including your scalp, armpits, under your nails, and between your fingers and toes. Most people have between 10 and 40 moles, although the number you have may change throughout life. New moles can appear into midadulthood, and some moles may disappear as you age.
Home Remedies for Mole Removal:
1 Prepare a mixture containing ground flaxseed, a drop of flaxseed oil and honey and apply the paste on your moles.
2 Apply fresh pineapple juice onto the mole and leave it overnight. Wash it off the next morning. Alternatively you can put a small slice of pineapple onto the mole, and wrap it around with a simple bandage to keep it in place. The mole is said to vanish after few applications.
3 To reduce the pigmentation of the moles, massage them with tea tree oil daily for about 2 weeks.
4 Get some iodine tincture from drugstore and apply it onto your mole for 2 to 3 days consecutively. Use it before you go to sleep and leave it overnight to allow it soak into the mole. You will see your mole to be totally gone after 3 days.
5 Onion juice is also very effective in making the moles grow dimmer.
6 Apply a paste containing castor oil and a pinch of baking soda to your moles daily.
7 Put the banana pulp on the moles daily for several months.
8 If you apply the juice of cauliflower over your moles daily, then you will notice that the moles will fall automatically within a few days.
9 Try to go for the foods rich in potassium or take apple cider vinegar that is rich in potassium. This will cure your moles permanently.
10 Squeeze out the milky juice from the stems of a fig tree and apply on top of the moles.
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Walking - Benefits

It is not just walking but brisk walking gives you all the benefits.
1 ) Walking improves circulation : Calf muscles are man’s second heart. On walking, these muscles pump the blood to the heart with all force. This leads to greater heart exercise, increased oxygen requirement & better blood circulation.
2) Walking is good for the heart : The increased oxygen requirements lead to exercise for the heart. On a long term basis, it leads to a better circulation for the heart. Thus it reduces the chances of a heart attack.
3) Walking cuts fatigue : Once daily brisk walking has become a habit, you start reaping the benefits. Soon there is no need of any laxatives. No more low back ache. No more of that catch while bending. Above all, in shape body is not easily fatigued.
4 ) Walking improves the posture.
5 ) Psychological benefits : Many studies have shown enormous psychological benefits of walking. It has been shown that daily walking habit reduces anxiety, tension & improves mood.
It has been shown that what works best is not walking but “brisk walking”. Scientifically, it correlates with the pulse rate that you should achieve for the maximum benefit. However, simply speaking, brisk walking means : a level that’s not just strolling; but not out of breath either.
How many minutes a day should one walk briskly?
No study has established the exact time for the maximum benefit. However 45minutes to 1 hour is a good guide.
You can even incorporate it in your daily life style. That way you will automatically walk briskly to the office & for that matter anywhere. A short brisk walk is is worth two miles of ambling. That way you will easily get minimal amount of good exercise every day.
Parenting in Public
Parents have more knowledge of their kids than anyone else. Knowing kids’ sleeping pattern, restlessness, his or her being stubborn about certain things, behavior in crowd are few things a parent must be aware of. While going out, parents must be prepared for any such eventuality.Another method is to have the child entertained by giving him toys, books, colors and such things. This helps in keeping the kids occupied and proves useful in preventing any potential tantrums.
Shouting and beating child in a public place should not be done. It also pays to inform the kid in advance about the situations he would be most likely to face in public. Things like, noise, rush, pollution, temperature etc need to be explained to kids in advance. Child should also be explained things with utmost patience and care.
Explaining the rules to kids in advance. So often kids tend to get stubborn for particular things. They must be informed in advance about how many toys or books or things like that, they would be allowed to have.
Any further demand and it will be totally rejected.Children have this uncanny habit of wanting to have attention at all times. One of the tip to tackle this is to make them feel involved in the decision making process. For example, if a family is out on a vacation in a place like esselworld or wonderland, children must be asked about their preference for rides or swimming. It will make them feel special that they are being asked about their choices and those will be followed.
Parents are advised to observe any signs of boredom or restlessness in their kids. Kids normally have a short attention span for any particular thing. So the moment, they are found bored, it is suggested to take them out for a break or for a little bit of chitchat.
Just like every normal person, kids also love to be complimented. It pays to compliment for every small good thing, howsoever small it may be. This is not only good for their self –esteem but also for overall feel good factor in their fragile psyche.Finally kids must be treated with a mix of care, caution and firmness as and when required. Rules once explained must be followed at cost.
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Enhancement of IQ in Children
Few of them are;
Sleep cycle of a child is quite important factor in child’s proper development. It is recommended that a kid must get minimum of eight hours of sleep a day. Proper sleep ensures that child’s day time learning remains integrated in his brain cells. Improper sleep cycle adversely affects a child’s recall power.
Games; experts recommend chess for growing kids. It helps in activating brain cells and different moves and strategies used in the game gives children an idea about how to look at a particular problem from different perspectives. Chess being a strategy based game helps in making brain more flexible and pushes for more thinking using logical reasoning as well. Other benefits include, improved problem solving abilities, and critical reasoning abilities. Other recommended games are, solving puzzles and general knowledge, memory games etc. all these games improve memory of the kid apart from forces him to think quickly and ultimately helps in betterment of mental skills. Strategy games are also considered more suitable for kids because throw sudden moves whereas other normal skill games have a fixed pattern.
Cutting salt intake; Experts recommend reduced salt intake for kids in order to them having better recall power. Sodium overdose is not at all recommended for growing kids. All they require is just one teaspoon of salt every day. Parents should always keep a check on how much salt is being taken by their offspring. The fact that, less salt everyday will become a habit for child and tatse for overdose of salt will not be acquired by kids. Later on, while they grow adult, this habit will prove very useful to them.
Revision; parents should ensure that child is revising whatever he or she has learnt at school. Once kids return from school and after their evening play time, they must be habituated to revise their course. This helps immensely in having better recall power compared to last minute study.
Yoga; yoga has become a world wide phenomenon and one of the most fascinating exports from India. Teaching yoga to child will make a terrific difference in the kid. Most recommended yoga exercises are breathing and strengthening exercises. This helps in enhancing child’s mental and physical well being.
Safe Drinking Water; a child must be provided pure drinking water. It always pays to have water filtered and boiled. Aluminum present in water can adversely affect a child’s memory power. Having a tap or filter attached to the tab will help in keeping elements of aluminum away.
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Self-confidence in children
There are several steps which need to be taken by parents.
- Creating a set routine for child. It develops discipline and child starts enjoying that.
- A very critical step is exposing him to the world. This needs to be done with proper care and in a slow way. Once parents start playing with their kids, they should encourage them to play with their family members, friends and other children. Similarly, he can be asked to act, dance or recite some rhyme in front of others. Once he starts getting appreciation then, his social skills and confidence will automatically develop.
- Parents should ensure a certain time limit for watching television and playing computer games. These things tend to diminish social communication and conversation. Excess of these also make child aloof.
- Asking your kids to help in household chores and other works will make him feel wanted and important. He will also feel competent. Apart, a sense of partnership and responsibility also starts developing in child.
- Another crucial step is preparing a list of things your child is good at. Also create a list of the things he or she likes to do. Encourage the kid to create a list on his own. Afterwards, match the two lists and find if the kid has missed anything. If he has, make him aware that he is also good at other missed things as well. In hindsight, if parents have missed anything, they would be more aware in future.
- Whenever a child is starting a new thing, parents must encourage him or her. Support them, assure them of their capabilities, show them your confidence in them and you will be surprised with what they manage to achieve.
- Parents must push kids for extra-curricular activities like team sports, music lessons or art lessons. One of them may find his true calling or at least realize that he has got talent for certain activity. Apart, in the process he will meet new people and new kids and will learn new skill as well.
- At the same time parents should never doubt on their kids’ ability. Interfering in his work according to your way might not be such a good idea. Last but not the least a child should never be compared with other kids.
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
The weight loss tips we discuss here are easy to follow and can be made part of our daily routine for a healthy weight loss. So, wish you the figure that you crave for with these tips.
1. Drink a glass of water half an hour before your meals or half an hour after meals.
2. Eat more green leafy vegetables and salads.
3. Eat fresh fruits, especially those with low calories and also seasonal fruits.
4. Eat raw vegetables or boiled vegetables.
5. Have variety in the food you eat as often as possible.
6. Eat slowly and chew your food to mix it with saliva. Remember digestion starts at your mouth.
7. You may eat four to five times a day in less quantities as required.
8. Remember that body weight increases when the input is more than output. So eat only what your body needs.
9. If you ate more then burn the extra calories by workouts.
10. Avoid deep fried food and junk food.
11. Avoid oil and try to use very less for cooking.
12. Avoid non-vegetarian food.
13. Avoid alcohol, if you cannot avoid then be in your limits.
14. Avoid processed foods and eat freshly cooked food as far as possible.
15. Don’t eat sweets, chocolates, etc as they put on more weight in your body.
16. Don’t drink water during meals or immediately after meals.
17. When you are not hungry don’t eat something just because you like it.
18. Don’t miss your meals. You can only loose weight by eating right.
19. Don’t leave your stomach empty for long periods by irregular eating habits.
20. Eat a balanced diet depending upon your lifestyle.
More information on Travel destionations - Andaman & Nicobar islands, Latest Gadgets, Occupational Stress here. For Best work from home opportunity click here
Steak, chicken, fruit, milk, vegetables, cheese and assorted types of nuts are the foods to feast on. Eat 4 – 6 pieces of fresh fruit a day, and at least four tall glasses of milk. Low fat milk is a great, cheap protein source – take advantage of it. A sample snack meal would be a glass of milk, an apple, and a hand full of peanuts.
Plan your meals carefully and stick to the plan. What you eat is the most important ingredient in a successful weight gain program.
When trying to gain weight, try working out 3-4 times a week. Make sure you are weightlifting correctly! Lift hard and then recover for the next workout. Focus on the big exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bent-over rows, chin-ups, bench press, & military press. These are the exercises that will turn those extra calories into muscle and therefore help you gain weight. You are not going to gain weight by doing lateral raises and step-ups every workout. It’s the multiple-joint lifts that will shock your system and stimulate your body into growth. Gradually add a little amount of weight each time you workout – this will help you strengthen those muscles. If you focus on strength, size will follow. You need to get stronger to get bigger. Look around at your local gym – the strongest guys are also the biggest!
Sooner or later you will stop gaining weight and it is now that you should concentrate on eating even more. So, when you stop gaining for at least 2 weeks, start eating an extra 250 calories a day. Every time you see you haven’t gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories.
Avoid Negative Thoughts, People,Things and Habits.
Believe in yourself.
Consider things from every angle and others points of view.
Dare to Dream and Dream Big
Energy, Excitement and Enthusiasm is in your blood.
Family and Friends are hidden treasures ;enjoy these riches.
Give more than you planned to.
Have a good sense of humour.
Ignore Criticism, Ridicule and Discouragementfrom others.
Jump on Problems because they are Opportunities in disguise.
Keep up the good work however hard it may seem.
Love yourself, just as you are.
Make Impossibility a Possibility.
Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Prefect Practice makes you perfect.
Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit.
Reward yourself for every small success and achievement.
Stop Wasting your Time and Procrastinating important Goals.
Take control of your Life and your Goals.
Understand so that you could Understood.
Visualize your Goals and Dreams everyday.
Win over your own weaknesses and make them as your Strengths, accelerate your efforts
Yes Yes Yes, Yes you Can and You Will
Zap your Stress and Enjoy your Life..
More information on Travel destionations - Andaman & Nicobar islands, Latest Gadgets, Occupational Stress here. For Best work from home opportunity click here