Sunday, June 20, 2010


This is continued from the previous post,

Children are not property:

The starting point of raising super kids is to realise that your children are not your property. Your children belong to themselves. They are a gift to you from high above, and a temporary gift at that.

You tell your children that they have been sent to you by God, and that your job is to love them and take care of them until they grow up. You treat them as if they are precious gifts loaned to you for only a short time. Your job is not to make them conform to your expectations, but to encourage them to develop their own uniqueness and individuality.

Each child is unlike any other and comes into this world with his or her own agenda, with his or her own special talents, interests and abilities. What your child can and will become, no one can possibly know until much later. The child's job is not to conform to his or her parents' expectations, but to grow and flower and become everything he or she is capable of becoming.

When you celebrate and encourage the special nature and personality of your child, he or she grows like a flower in the sunshine. But if you try to get your child to be something he or she is not, your child's spirit will wither, and his or her potential for happiness and joy will shrivel like a leaf on a tree in autumn.

The law of correspondence states that your outer world of relationships will mirror your inner world of thought, and your true personality. What your children are and what they become will be very much a reflection of who you are as a person.
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